Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming Blog

Hello! I hope you're having a nice day. If not, be like Evan Hansen and have a good day anyway.

  As said by the absence of the quotation marks, I actually filmed this weekend! I'll explain how the whole week went. So first was Monday and Tuesday. Nothing really happened because they were the last two weeks before Thanksgiving break. I mean, I had a test Monday that was fun. Wednesday we didn't really do anything, either. My parents work, so me and my two brothers just sat around most of the day. I don't remember if I did anything productive, I probably didn't. Thursday was Thanksgiving, that was fun. I helped my mom cook dinner, and It was a good time. Also, that stupid creepy elf thing was yet again put into my home. Friday, we didn't do much either. My mother didn't have work, but my dad did so my brothers and I hung out with my mom all day. I had invited four of my close friends to come film, so I gave them all the information they needed. It was just a screenshot that contained the information, like the time and address. In the information paragraph, I had said it was being held at my house and it was going to be held from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. But, what's my blog without a tragedy, though? That's coming, patience. I had told my parents about everything that was happening. With that information, they still stayed up until 2:00 am with their friends anyway.

  Still Friday night, one of my four friends said that he couldn't go unless he was dropped off at my house at 12:00 pm instead of 1:00 pm. That was fine, no big deal. He was the person I really wanted to hang out with because we haven't seen each other in person since June. That night, since it was 2:00 am I set an alarm for 11:00 am thinking I would sleep that long. No, My body was like "you get four hours take it or leave it." Yeah, I slept until 6:00 am Saturday, not Ideal. Now Saturday was the day where everyone was supposed to come. Now for the tragic part you've all been waiting for. I was up and anxious at 6:00 am on a Saturday, so naturally I rushed and did everything I needed to do. I got dressed, I made my bed, I cleaned my room a bit, stuff like that. At about 9:00 am, the friend who was supposed to come at 12:00 pm texts me and asks for my address. Cue me being anxious because I think he's going to be here at 10:00 am instead. Finally, 11:30 arrives. I'm excited, I get to see my good friend I'm excited. 30 minutes later, my friend texts me, he says "I'd like to apologize for my mother suddenly deciding I can't go because I told her I'm Bisexual." My heart drops, I'm sad. His mother being a rat, yet again.  But at least I have three other people coming, right? No. 1:00 pm rolled around. I sat outside. 20 minutes pass, I still have hope, 1 hour passes, I message all of the people I invited if they were still coming. Surprise surprise, I didn't get an answer from any of them until hours later. One said he was out of town (which he could've told me that before I got my hopes up) another said he had just gotten the message and the final person said she couldn't come.

  Tragic, I know. As you could probably imagine, I was upset. (rich set a fire and burned down the house) I didn't have friends to come and help me film. But we overcame that obstacle. Sunday, We filmed. When I say we, I mean My brother, My mother, and Myself. I'm grateful for them, they stepped in to take the places that my friends would've been in. It was frustrating, but we got through it. In this video, there's going to be a lot going on, yes. But! I think it's going to be amusing or delightful in some manor. Unrelated, but just saying the Mean Girls musical is so good? Anyway, That's what happened. I hope that was dramatic enough for you.

  Have a good day, Goodbye.

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