Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Casino Royale

          This title sequence thing is from a movie called Casino Royal made in 2006. I got it from the website art of the titles. The first question is, "How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film?" There were about 29 titles in this sequence. The second question is "What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?" The titles prioritized were mainly shots of people getting shot/stabbed with different playing card suits.The third question is "What connotations do the images carry?" The images carry the connotations, mystery, suspense, and such. The fourth question is "How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?" I'd genre is reinforced by the showing of people fighting and getting shot and such. The fifth question is, "How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?" It shows this by giving enough information to where you have a slight idea of what's going on, it keeps you interested. It's mysterious to the point where you want to know more. Question six is "What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?" Well first off, the target audience would be people who enjoy crime films or just films like this one. Just in the sequence, there's fighting, guns, people getting stabbed, people in suits, all the stuff a crime liker would be attracted to. Question seven states "How has technology been used effectively?" The sequence is almost entirely seemingly animated, or looks to be animated. The technology would be animating tools and other tools to track actors movement. They've been used effectively by I guess the overall making of the movie.

          Have a nice day.

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