Thursday, January 30, 2020

Title Research

          Hello, welcome. I hope you're having a nice day. We're now doing title research for the final video.

          This is a screenshot of the home screen of a nice website called Art of the Title. While going through the site, you can see a whole bunch of title sequences from different films. From this website, I observed how diverse title scenes are. There's so many. Even if two films are in the same genre, the title scenes can be totally different from one another. I think it's really cool how you can make a living off making people's name flash across a screen. (No, I don't mean that sarcastically.) I saw many interviews, summaries, and titles for different movies, some of which, dating back to the early 1900's. A downside was that what I was looking for was really hard to find. We had to find title scenes for different crime movies. That was difficult because it doesn't show what genre that film is or if the film is a show or a movie. So, it was just a back and forth researching what genre each movie was. Also, the computer was going slow so that was a plus. As of right, now, I haven't really learned anything having to do with the website. There's not really that much to learn, all there is is title sequences and a very vague description of what the movie is. Usually along the lines of "not like is seems" or something strange like that. Actually, now thinking about it more I guess I did learn something, title sequences are important to a film. 

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