Friday, March 20, 2020

Re-Filming blog

          Hello, I hope you're having a good day.

          That's my hand with sharpie on it, the camera, and my foot. Today, Friday March 20th, we did our re-filming. Well, we filmed the parts we had and re-did some of the parts we already had. I had told Peter to come over at 8:00-8:30 and he ended up coming at almost 9:30. A first downside. Yes, this entire blog is just going to be me throwing shade. In the already edited part (which I'll have to redo) that goes over 1:30. He doesn't understand that we can't do the whole planned thing in under two minutes. My brother was being a pain because he didn't want to be in it even though I had already given him what he wanted before the whole thing happened. We had to redo almost every clip because Peter thought it wasn't good enough. The whole thing took way too long. We started at 9:30 it's now 11:50. We stopped filming 10 minutes ago. Not a fun time.

          Currently, my mother is frustrated with me because of me making her sit in her room for two hours. That probably sucked for her. At one point, Peter had to film. That was really funny because I was sitting in the kitchen with my dog listening to them. They were just making strange noises, it was hysterical. I was sitting there trying to export the video that I had edited to send to Peter, and I can't. I edited the whole thing on that app and I'm just now figuring out that I need to pay for the watermark to not be there. It's upsetting, but it is my fault. I should've done actual research on it instead of the first thing that popped up. Today's experience? 3/10. Would not recommend.

          I hope you have a good rest of your day, stay safe. Goodbye.

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