Monday, October 7, 2019

Convention Blog

Hello, Good morning I hope you're having a good day. I'm doing an ad on anti-vaping, fun topic I know. So, usually in anti vaping ads they have a person or group of people having a good time sitting there vaping and then boom, they put up a statistic or a study saying you will get this illness if you vape, you will switch to smoking cigarettes if you vape, etc. Even though you might not get that illness or you might not start smoking actual cigarettes, there is always a chance and that is probably not a chance you want to take. People who produce these commercials want to scare you by saying all the horrible things that can happen to you (not that the effects of vaping are good). Remember the anti smoking ads? They had people suddenly get gum cancer or someone writing a contract and that contract rolling into a cigarette, ew horrid. Then there was the people that had deformities because of having cancer and the message saying "they died a week later”. Although a lot of cancers can develop from smoking there are a lot that happen naturally too, so you are at a risk either way.

What has vaping done so far?
So far, maybe a dozen or so teenagers have been hospitalized for vaping. It is a problem in schools as well. Teachers feel the need to tell their students not to vape in class, and that is reasonable. My pe coach said that if he catches anyone vaping in his class he will break the vape, how nice. Also, when I had culinary arts, there was a girl that asked me if I Vaped or smoked, I said no and she looked at me like all of a sudden I was boring because I am 14 and I don't have a nicotine addiction. People on social media influence stuff like that and that is not okay.

That's the end, have a good day.

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