Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming blog

Hello I hope you're having a good day.
Buckle up, this is going to be a long one.

Thursday we filmed our commercials. It was hectic. You may or may not be thinking why, well I'm going to tell you. So starting off, the day in general didn't start off that good. I came to class anxious on the verge of a break down and that feeling lasted the rest of the day. We got into the class and rushed to get the papers signed and the equipment in our grasp. The first two cameras both said that they had 20 minutes left on them, so I had to get a different camera. The next one I got was fine. I got the camera and the tripod and went downstairs. Originally, I was going to film in front of the cafeteria but decided against it and filmed under the stairs. Getting the equipment situated took me way longer than it should've and that took away from the filming time.

 I'll spare you the grueling details of the setting up process. Filming in general was difficult because I was filming and acting(if that's what you'd even call it) by myself. A lot of the clips filmed start and end with me reaching around the camera to turn the recording on and off. That's fun. I also did good things while filming. There was a group filming not too far from where I was and I helped them put their camera on the tripod. I also have directions to a girl trying to find a class, a good time. I forgot to mention, after I set up the camera on the tripod and got everything adjusted I realized that the tripod didn't have the pan handle stick, so that made things even better.  In all honesty, I was so focused on getting the filming done that I probably didn't get a lot of the shots right. Fun. 

Then the rest of the process was a complete disaster. I got back and got the SD card reader and went to a computer. Dun dun dun. The computer wouldn't let me log into my student account. I tried multiple times and I couldn't log in. Then the teacher came over, she tried and it stayed on the loading screen for a few minutes and it didn't work. Then the bell rang and almost everyone left the classroom. The teacher pointed at another computer and I went there. It didn't turn on. She then told me I could get my clips dumped onto her computer and I could transfer them to another computer Monday. So that's what happened, and that's what's going on. 


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