Sunday, December 20, 2020

Explanation for not filming Blog

 Hello, I hope you're having a good day. 

          Again, unfortunately, I didn't film. Last weekend my brother didn't want to film because he had basketball early the next day. I didn't bother asking this weekend because he had a tournament and I didn't want to stress him out. This week is the first week of our winter break. That's very swag, I'm very excited. I plan to film Monday, Tuesday, and maybe Wednesday. I have my grandparents coming Wednesday, that explains the maybe. I was thinking about posting on my social medias. Like, if I film, how am I going to show what I did on sites like youtube? I figured that each time I film I can record a clip of my brother being weird or something, I don't know. My mom suggested that when I'm done with filming all together, I can edit all the bloopers together, and I might do that because bloopers are funny. I'm also going to focus on the animated titles things. I was busy all week last week with midterms and I didn't get to do it then. I might this week, who knows. I'm going to try my best to get it all done as soon as possible, but it depends. I'm not exactly a motivated person and I need to wait until all the people involved are prepared enough to play their parts. At end of the day, it'll all get done and it'll be okay, that's the hope at least. The overall goal is to get the filming done by before Christmas, which is 100% doable. I talked to my mom about this, I had brought up the point that filming might not take as much time as it did because I'm doing all the technical stuff by myself. I can just go with it without anyone telling me what to change aesthetically and such. Like I can do it right the first time because my opinion is the only one that matters in the time being, y'know?


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