Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Inside daytime Filming Blog

 Hello, I hope you've had a good day. 

          We filmed today and it was successful.  We started at about 1pm, it all went smoothly besides my brother complaining. We planned on filming all the daytime parts again today, but that didn't exactly work out as planned. We were filming, it took about 2 hours. From the storyboard, it shows that the view shows outside and the window from the outside. I have 2 dogs and I decided to not keep them in the room with my other family members. When I walked out of the house, I heard my dog bark and then a voice from the other side of the yard says "you know your dog is out, right?". Someone who works for my dad opened the fence and didn't tell anyone so I let the dog out into the street. He's a big dog, he's fast as well, so he's hard to catch. After about 15-20 minutes we got the dog inside and then continued for about 20 more minutes until we were done with that one part. Before we got the chance to film the 2nd outside scene, my mom decided that she wanted to take us to a nature park so that's what we did. The park she was talking about ended up being a covid testing place, she didn't want to accidentally end up in a testing line so we found another place. This gives context to the picture of the ducks I posted on my social medias. We had gotten home about an hour later. I looked at my storyboard, and realized there were 2 or 3 shots that I had forgotten to get, so I convinced my brother to do the rest of that today. My grandparents come tomorrow, so it's not guaranteed that I'll film tomorrow but I'll try my best. If I don't film, I'll start the editing process. But, again, I don't know. Anyways, camera, featuring my dog. 

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